
Renewable Solutions

Targeting strong risk adjusted returns and positive environmental outcomes.

Entering a fast-growing renewables market with experience and expertise

As one of the largest and fastest growing renewables markets worldwide, a permanent presence in the United States grants access to the potential of US renewables deployment, which is forecast to increase by circa 200% over the next decade. This will require significant pools of capital. Favourable federal tax incentives, combined with strong resources in terms of wind volumes and solar irradiation, complete a significant opportunity for investment.

Eskimo has an established reputation for excellence, backed by strong financial, technical, and operational expertise in managing renewable energy assets.


Exposure to onshore and offshore wind assets through a premium listed vehicle offering an attractive, sustainable dividend, alongside private market co-investment opportunities.


Investing in solar assets – a mature technology and fragmented market, with opportunities for consolidation

Bioenergy and Heat

Investing in high-quality, sustainable bioenergy and renewable heat assets that aims to deliver predictable income and inflation protection over the long term


Exposure to euro-denominated renewable energy assets in Europe through a listed vehicle and private market co-invest opportunities.

Enabling the clean energy transition.

Born of our tenure within the renewables space and our position as Europe’s leading renewables infrastructure investor, Eskimo has built a strong network with all important stakeholders in the industry, including utilities, project developers, power offtakers and government.

We have transacted or currently co-own assets with partners representing an aggregate installed capacity of over 40 GW in Europe alone. These relationships often result in off-market, bilateral or repeat transactions. Our longstanding sector specialisation is now complemented by Eskimo global platform and reach, supporting our expansions into the UK, Ireland and Europe, and our continued growth in the US.

Cutting-edge tools
that drive performance

Investing in renewable infrastructure in the rapidly growing US market, accessing strong opportunities supported by reliable wind volumes and solar irradiation.

Innovative platform

Our investment platform is at the forefront of the industry but we are not content to stop improving.


We provide clients a secure environment to invest. Data protection and safekeeping of clients assets are our priority.

Worldwide Services

With Mightybullfx25 Investment you can access exchanges worldwide for truly global investing.

No fine print

Our investment plans can be found within the pricing page, allowing the possibility to calculate the ROI upfront before investing.

Customer Support

We offer client support through our livechat. You can send us your question or comment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

low rates investing

We offer private investors the chance to purchase shares at best rates. Save on with Mightybullfx25 & Co. Investment.

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